Booking Information

Goodwood Education Trust is an independent charity (number 1198212) and operates as a non-profit, self-funding and separate legal entity to the Goodwood Group of Companies.

Sessions times

Sessions take place year-round

Workshops/visits have been designed to last for either a half-day (two hours) or a full day (five hours)

For full-day sessions please allow an hour for lunch

Pupils and adults must bring their own lunch

Arrival and departure/timings are flexible and can be agreed upon during a pre-visit

Prices and payment terms

Please contact get@goodwood.com for information about prices or if you would like to make a Booking.

In particular circumstances, we may be able to offer a number of free pupil places. Adults are free. 


It is essential that teachers make a pre-visit if they have not visited before. This is when Risk Assessments can be carried out and the day's workshops and activities confirmed.  We can provide you with our own Risk Assessments to assist you in formulating your own. 

Health & Safety and Insurance

All outdoor sites at Goodwood are busy working sites and we take the utmost care when hosting groups of children and young people.  Experienced Education Guides are enhanced DBS checked, carry a First aid kit, know Emergency procedures and are able to contact Goodwood Security Team or Emergency services if required.  Visiting teachers must ensure there is an adult amongst them who is trained in and responsible for First aid. 

Teachers bringing groups to Home Farm are issued with guidelines from the Health and Safety Executive entitled ‘Avoiding ill health at open farms – advice to teachers’, which must be followed.

Educational visits are usually carried out in groups of 15 – 20.  We calculate the number of Education Guides required to ensure both the safety and educational quality of your visit.  Appropriate footwear and warm, waterproof clothing must be worn. 

In windy weather visits to Seeley Copse may have to be cancelled or transferred to the farm, as we cannot guarantee that branches will not fall.  Instructions from our Education Guides are based on their knowledge of the activity, the site and the conditions relating to that day.

Important Documents

Privacy Policy

View the Goodwood Education Trust Privacy Policy here

Safeguarding Policy

View the Goodwood Education Trust Safeguarding Policy here