What's on at The Studio?

24th April 2024
From reiki to blissful massage, you and your dog are in for a real treat at The Studio.

As well as all the fun to be had and tricks to master at Goodwoof, sometimes a little R&R is required. If you and your pup are keen to rest your paws, then an oasis of calm awaits at The Studio.

Located in the very centre of the Goodwoof goings-on, The Studio will be a hub for calming, zen-ensuing sessions such as dog yoga (DOGA), grounding reiki (an ancient energy healing practice), sound bathing and, wait for it, dog massage – all of which are included in the price of your Goodwoof ticket. With so much on offer, do ensure you pounce early and book the sessions you fancy on the day.


Working her canine magic across the weekend will be founder of Studio 44 Pilates, Louise Humphrey. While most of Louise’s Pilates clients are usually on two feet, she’ll be leading sessions to include your four-legged pals, too, with a mix of standing and mat-based movement. Her main goal is to enable you and your dog to stay strong, mobile and flexible for all those glorious dog walks ahead.

Practice your downward dogs with Mahny Djahanguiri, author of DOGA -Yoga for you and your Dog. Mahny will be holding DOGA sessions in The Studio. While DOGA can be challenging at times (particularly if your dog has their eye on something else!), Mahny believes that a solid yoga practice can help with staying focused and strengthening the body as well as boosting mental and emotional wellbeing. 

It’s not just us humans who can benefit from a relaxing and restorative massage. Cushla Lamen and Julia Robertson both truly believe in the power of massage techniques for our dogs and will be at The Studio sharing their skills through Galen Myotherapy. Cushla and Julia have both honed their practice to help alleviate pain, improve mobility, and enhance overall well-being in dogs with various conditions.

Aysha Bell - Is a yoga teacher, healer, meditation facilitator. She got into the wellness world and learnt how our pets’ dogs and cats can benefit from healing practices. Aysha will be teaching the benefits of Reiki, which involves using your hands to direct a gentle, natural flow of healing energy into the dog's body in order to bring about deep relaxation and release tension or pain.

Following the theme of calm and relaxation, join Siobhan Swider as she takes you and your dog on journey through Sound Bathing. Achieved through the art of entrainment which synchronises our fluctuating brainwaves by providing a stable frequency which the brainwave can attune to. If you have never tried sound bathing, this session will leave you feeling relaxed in a way you’ve never experienced before.

From the calming influence of Reiki to a more lively activity, Aysha will also be running a course of 90’s aerobics for your dog. This will involve using our body and movement. Enticing with doggy treats, this a simple and playful exercise. Imagine holding your dog treat in one hand and looping your dog through your legs, side stepping to some 80’s upbeat aerobics tunes. Circling, walking back and first. Even some basic floor work.

Finally, Advanced Emotional Freedom Technique (Tapping) Therapist and Yoga Instructor Nicola Harvey will be joining us to explore the power of tapping – a technique used to encourage mindfulness, slowing down and connecting with emotions. This is something Nicola has worked with adults, children and pets to help guide them through issues such as anxiety and fear.

We’re extremely excited to be hosting so many fantastic and knowledgeable experts across the weekend and look forward to seeing you, and your furry friends, of course.



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